
The scarred man (kizu no otoko), known more casually as "Scar" (suka), is a nameless lone serial killer and revolutionary who targets state alchemists for his own brand of lethal justice in accordance with the fundamental tenets of his religion and for the revenge of his slaughtered people and family. An ishvalan survivor of the ishvalan civil war, scar's moniker comes from the large x-shaped scar on his forehead and sports a conspicuous and intricate alchemical tattoo on his right arm, which originally belonged to his older brother, and which he uses as his murder weapon of choice.

Scar is a decidedly brooding and angry man, almost totally consumed by hatred toward the people who destroyed his homeland. Knowing full well that his actions go against many of the teachings of his religion, he still fashions himself an agent of god's divine punishment and takes out his fury on state alchemists. However, vestiges of his former life's kinder nature are prone to seep through. Even in the middle of his bloody vengeance, scar is willing to show compassion toward others, honoring last requests and offering a chance to pray before dying. He is reasonably wise and a skilled rhetorician, though his misguided thirst for vengeance clouds his greater judgment and leads his arguments in circles. Having had his people and his family stolen from him, scar sympathizes with those who care for their loved ones and looks after those who have lost their place in the world. Additionally, he is very protective of his surviving kinsmen and takes all their words of encouragement or chastisement to heart.

As a former warrior of ishbal, scar is quite adept at hand-to-hand combat, boasting significant strength and stamina, remarkable agility and reflexes and deceptive speed. Though the 2003 anime shows him as a young armed combatant during the war, in the manga he displays his abilities on the field by subduing a number of armed amestrian soldiers using only melee tactics. Scar's killing spree throughout amestris itself is proof of his skills, as he manages to murder ten state alchemists (including basque grand, who had been hailed as a combat specialist) and is able to hold his own against combat-based alchemists like the elric brothers and alex armstrong. In addition, scar proves himself capable of taking down inhuman beasts such as chimeras and homunculi. Most impressively, through a combination of luck and skill, he managed to gain a pyrrhic victory over a severely wounded wrath. Scar is also reasonably intelligent, able to comprehend some more complex alchemical texts and concepts despite having never studied the craft and an adequate tactician capable of immediately identifying and assessing his opponents' weaknesses in combat.

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